The Methods

Invisible Bead Extensions®

Invisible Bead Extensions® is the #1 most requested hand-tied extension method and is the only extension service we offer for a damage-free alternative to traditional extensions. These extensions can be colored, curled, and straightened to blend invisibly with your natural hair.

Plus, they are lightweight and comfortable, so you won't even know they are there.

Hand Tied Extensions

Hand tied extensions are a type of hair extension in which individual hair strands are tied, or "hand tied," to a person's natural hair. This method is considered to be one of the most natural and undetectable hair extension methods. Hand tied extensions are great for adding length and volume to a person's hair and are made from human hair.

Micro-Weft Extensions

Our micro-weft collection allows for ease of customization by cutting the wefts for a unique-to-you placement. There is no mustache (return hair) on our micro wefts which means thick ends that retain volume. Our micro-wefts are able to be air-dried, making it a great option for those who are athletic, or just want to live that air-dried, low-maintenance life.

Our micro-wefts also come in straight or wavy (with custom ordering options for curls that match your natural wave).

How often do hand-tied extensions need to be moved up?

For best results, your stylist will recommend that you have your extensions moved up every 6-8 weeks. The frequency of appointments depends on how quickly your hair grows.

How long do hand tied extensions last?

High quality human hair extensions can last between 6 to 12 months. With incredible care and maintenance, hair that lasts for just over a year is very feasible. It’s important to know the origin of the hair as this will also affect the quality.

How much do hand tied extensions cost?

Hand tied hair extensions are considered a luxury service due to the time and special skills required for the installation. The cost varies depending on the number of rows (more rows = fuller, thicker hair), and desired length. Install price is $300 per row plus the cost of hair. Additional pricing info can be found on our services page as well as scheduling a free consultation.

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K Tip Extensions